outwork|outworks in English


work that is done outside; outer fortification, outpost beyond the main line of defense (Military)

Use "outwork|outworks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "outwork|outworks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "outwork|outworks", or refer to the context using the word "outwork|outworks" in the English Dictionary.

1. Industrial robots can outwork humans [ skilled labor ].

2. Barbican definition, an outwork of a fortified place, as a castle

3. Theanswer is to make work more interesting, mix up your routine a bit-ie, don'ttake outwork frustrations on your food.

4. 30 San Pablo was a small maquila with a history of low-paid outwork at weekly wages averaging 400 pesos.

5. English words for Brachium include arm, forearm, tibiotarsus, shin, dam, side-work, outwork, claw, offshoot of a mountain range and armlet

6. Barbican definition: a walled outwork or tower to protect a gate or drawbridge of a fortification Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

7. The walls were surrounded by a deep dry moat, while the system was completed by the earthen Counterscarps and the outwork of San Demetrio

8. A Burgus (Latin, plural burgi ) or turris ("tower")1 is a small, tower-like fort of the Late Antiquity, which was sometimes protected by an outwork and surrounding ditches

9. 1971, Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, José Antonio Páez A wealth of tall, rank growing grass, a lurking place of tigers, forms the first outwork between the grassy, Bushless plains